Thursday, October 19, 2017

Welcome to Text4TheKids

Whether you are a student, a parent, or a staff member working at a public or private school, we are glad you are visiting the Text4TheKids website. Our site contains T4TK help and resources in regard to preventing and responding to bullying behaviors. Additionally, as you explore these pages, you will find a wealth of information about bullying/ harassment prevention, curriculum, guidelines, events and other resources.

The content of these pages is guided by the belief that all students of the school community deserve the opportunity to learn in an environment where they feel safe. Students, parents, and staff all have a role to play in building positive environments for youth, and in promoting acceptance and respect among all individuals.
Bullying is a form of youth violence. It is aggressive behavior, directed intentionally towards an individual or individuals and it involves an imbalance of power or strength. Bullying has a negative impact on other students at school who are bystanders or witnesses to bullying by creating a climate of fear and disrespect. Bullying of any kind, including cyberbullying – the electronic version of bullying – will not be tolerated in the Newton Public Schools.
The most recent Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), distributed to our partners in 2015, tells us that there are some positive trends related to bullying: 
  • Rates of reported bullying in all venues decreased bewteen 2012 and 2014, continuing an overall pattern of decline since 2102. 
In addition the YRBS tells the following about bullying in our schools and out of school: 
In School
• Thirty-seven percent (37%) of 7-8th grade students and 30% of high school students reported that they saw someone else bullied in school in the 30 days prior to the survey.
Out of School
• Student respondents were more likely to report being bullied when they were in school than when they were not in school.
• 17% of Newton middle school students and 11% of high school students reported that they had been bullied in school in the 30 days prior to the survey
• 4% of middle-schoolers and 5% of high schoolers reported being bullied on their way to or from school
• 8% of middle school students and 6% of high school students reported being bullied when they were neither in nor on their way to/from school.
• 11% of middle and 7% high school students reported they had been bullied on the Internet in the 30 days prior to the survey.
• Respondents who had been bullied in school in the 30 days prior to the survey were asked how they responded the last time it happened (multiple responses were possible). Respondents in all grades generally reported that they were "most likely" to try to get the person/people doing it to stop, followed by talking to a friend about it, telling a school adult, and telling a parent/guardian. Seventh and eighth grade students were more than twice as likely to report using these strategies than high school students.
Posted on by V Dot Nam | No comments


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